

2899 Uppsatser om Hedonic-utilitarian beteende - Sida 1 av 194

Musikens påverkan på kundens köpbeteende

Servicescape is a research area within service management which processes the effect that the environment has on the service experience. The purpose of this essay is to find out how servicescape, with focus on the ?background music?, affects customer behavior in a clothing retail store. Through manipulation of the background music?s tempo the essay aim to explore to what extent this part of the servicescape a) affect the customers approach and avoidance behavior, b) is affected by customers with a hedonic or utilitarian shopping behavior, c) affects pleasure, arousal and dominance perceptions for the customer, and d) how the servicescape is perceived.Key words: Servicescape, approach-avoidance behaviour, pleasure, arousal, dominance, hedonic-utilitarian behaviour..

Sova med fienden: Ingredient Branding: Ett strategiskt alternativ för EMV och LMV inom dagligvaruhandeln

We have conducted a quantitative study investigating whether an Ingredient Branding collaboration between private label and national brands could be executed with success in the Swedish market. The objective was to measure the consumers? response to two products from different product categories, representing hedonic and utilitarian products. We have been able to establish that by adding a branded ingredient to a private label product, one obtains a more positive product attitude as well as a higher perceived product quality and taste. The study also shows that attitudes towards the ingredient brands were improved by the collaboration whereas the brand attitude towards the private label did not change significantly.

Från engagemang till intention - En kvantitativ studie om sambanden mellan engagemang och konsumenters intention att använda detaljisters smartphone-applikationer

Smartphone applications, or apps, are an increasingly important part of omnichannel retailing. While the adoption and usage of apps for communicating with consumers has grown exponentially over the past few years, there is little academic research in this area. The primary purpose of this thesis is to describe how the involvement in a product category affects consumers' intention to use a retailer-branded smartphone application during their shopping trip. Drawing upon recent IS-literature with models TAM and UTAUT, our results indicate that product category involvement constitutes an important factor on the intention to use a retailer-branded smartphone application. By viewing involvement as a multidimensional construct, our study shows that the degree of hedonic and expressive value a product cateogry provides consumers with has important effects on intention, and these relationships are not moderated by consumers' age.

Egna märkesvaror i dagligvaruhandeln : - En studie om hur egna märkesvaror påverkar konsumentens impulsköp

The thesis concerns itself with studying the effects private brands has on the consumer?s impulse buying in the grocery industry, as in degree of unplanned spending and the selection process between manufacturer brands and private brands when such a purchase is performed. The study?s methodology is characterised by a qualitative approach, whereby the study acknowledges the inductive approach towards the empirical setting even though the Mehrabian-Russell model along with motivational theories serve as highlighters of relevant aspects in the empirical field. The study concludes that both the utilitarian and the hedonic consumer decide what to buy before entering the store, whereby a low degree of needs arise in the store.

Shoppingbeteende inom mode : En studie avseende skillnader och likheter mellan män och kvinnor

Forskningsfråga: Vad finns det för skillnader respektive likheter i beteende mellan män och kvinnor när de shoppar kläder och skor?Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom observationer, intervjuer och fokusgrupper undersöka samt skapa förståelse för vilka skillnader och likheter i shoppingbeteende det finns mellan män och kvinnor.Metod: En deduktiv ansats har använts där vi tagit fram hypoteser. Vi har observerat män och kvinnor när de shoppar och sedan, med tester i SPSS, bevisat hur verkligheten ser ut samt accepterat eller förkastat hypoteserna. Testerna har genomförts i statistikprogrammet SPSS. En kvantitativ metod har använt då vi observerat och en kvalitativ metod har använts då vi även genomfört fokusgrupper samt en intervju.Referensram: Uppsatsens fokus ligger i könsskillnader i shopping då vi framförallt utgått från Paco Underhills teorier och observationer.

Motivera Mera! - En kvantitativ studie om samspelet emellan hedonisk shoppingmotivation och multikanalshopping

Multichannel-shopping has become a wide spread phenomenon in the retail industry due to a significant development of retail channels and formats. Consumers now shop for the same product category in many different retail settings and this trend is increasing. Therefore both the academic world and the retail industry are screaming for knowledge about the multichannel-shoppers. Several studies have focused on the characteristics of different channels and how multichannel strategies should be designed to minimize cannibalization. There is however a lack of research concerning what characterizes multichannel-shoppers and what drives them to shop in several channels.

Resan är målet: En kvantitativ studie om kongruenta erbjudandens påverkan på köpintentionen

The technological development and increasing popularity for integrated multichannel solutions constitutes both severe opportunities and challenges for todays' and tomorrows' retailers. On the account of consumers leaving traces when using digital channels and the technological development enabling retailers to use this information to create relevant offers, goal-congruity is relevant to apply in the multichannel shopping context. Based upon previous research on goal congruity and channel integration, our main purpose in this study is to increase the understanding for how congruity in an offer increases the intention to redeem the offer. Several studies focus on and contrast the product characteristics hedonic and utilitarian. However, it has been stated that it is crucial that research also examines the difference in target audience, buying situation and as examined in this study: buying decision process.

Arenabygget, ris eller ros? : en hedonisk prisstudie av kommuninvånarnas värdering av den nya arenan.

This study is an examination of the stadium fever prevailing in Sweden. It is built stadiums in Sweden as never before. The high cost of these constructions end up in the end at the Swedish taxpayers. The study examines through the hedonic pricing of real estate how local residents value the new stadiums. The result indicates that local residents put a positive value in the costly and sumptuous buildings.

Konst som investering: En studie av investeringar i svenska kvalitetsmålningar under perioden 1985-2006

This paper analyses how Swedish fine-art oil paintings sold at auctions has performed as a monetary investment during the period autumn 1985 until spring 2006. An average price technique as well as a hedonic regression technique, applied to a sample of 19 213 auction sales, is used to construct price indices. The indices show somewhat different results, which is explained by the inability of the average price model to adjust for relative differences in quality between periods. The hedonic regression model on the other hand captures this effect, why the hedonic index is applied in a financial return model. By adjusting for transaction cost, the financial return of an average investment in paintings is calculated.

Hedonic shopping - en jämförelsestudie mellan österrikiska och svenska studenter

På dagens marknad råder hård konkurrens om konsumenterna. För att företag ska lyckas med att vinna marknadsdelar och tillfredställa oss med rätta produkter och image, gäller det att gå på djupet och undersöka oss konsumenter och varför vi egentligen shoppar. Nivån av njutning och tillfredställelse vid shopping skiljer sig åt mellan konsumenter. Den shopping som inte är nödvändig för att vi ska kunna fungera i vardagen, som används för att öka livskvalité och njutning, kallas hedonic shopping. Vid den hedonistiska aspekten av shopping blir konsumenten motiverad av den emotionella och underhållande dimensionen associerat med inköpen. Den utilitariana shopparen, å andra sidan, handlar varor målmedvetet och effektivt och påverkas därmed inte av den underhållande delen på samma sätt (Babin, Darden & Griffin, 1994). För att kunna kategorisera och djupare förstå den hedonistiska aspekten av shopping har sex kategorier utvecklats: adventure shopping, social shopping, gratification shopping, idea shopping, role shopping och value shopping.

Does nuclear power plants affect house prices? : a hedonic price model of Forsmark nuclear power plant

Nuclear power plants existences have been well debated since the 70s (Swedish radiation safety authority, 2014). Accidents, risk and presence connected to nuclear power plants have been part of many studies around the world. Recent studies have shown a connection between prices of houses and the distance and presence of nuclear power plant in a surronding area of the house. This paper uses Hedonic price modelling to investigate the willingness to pay for an increased distance to the Swedish nuclear power plant, Forsmark. For the dependent variable selling price was used and the independent variables were number of rooms, living area, other area, lot size, selling year, building year and distance to Forsmark.

Varför där men inte här? : En studie om shoppingturism

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka fenomenet shoppingturism. Skribenterna valde att utifrån sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer kartlägga de faktorer som bidrar till att resenärer åker på en shoppingresa. Därutöver undersökte skribenterna även om shoppingturism kan kopplas samman med upplevelseturism samt om respondenterna anser att shoppingresandet kan ha någon påverkan på en destination. Metoden som skribenterna har använt sig av är en kvalitativ intervjustudie där intervjumanualen var halvstrukturerad. För att tolka de resultat som framkommit under samtliga intervjuer har skribenterna använt sig av tidigare forskning samt diverse teoretiska analysverktyg.

Användarupplevelse inom mobila applikationer : En kvalitativ utvärdering av en befintlig utvärderingsmetodiks funktionalitet i en mobil kontext

Choosing the right user experience evaluation method can be difficult, choosing the right one for mobile user experience can be even more so. One major cause is that mobile usage is context dependent. Another contributing factor is that there is not one widely adopted theory or framework for user experience due to its complexity.The purpose of this study was to evaluate an existing method artifact in its feasibility for evaluating mobile applications. The chosen method, AttrakDiff2 is a self-reporting semantic differential questionnaire to evaluate the user experience of an interactive product, based on its hedonic and pragmatic qualities.A study was conducted where the participants assessed one mobile and one web application, which were later rated with AttrakDiff2. The completion of the questionnaire was conducted as a think-aloud session subsequently followed by an interview.The results suggest that the participants experience was affected more by the evaluated application style than the different platforms.

Pedagogers syn på normer och normbrytande beteende i förskolan

Arbetets titel är Pedagogers syn på normer och normbrytande beteende i förskolan. Vi har undersökt hur man ser på normer och normbrytande beteende i förskolan. Frågorna är; Hur ser pedagoger kring normer och normbrytande beteende i förskolan? Vilken variation finns i synen på normer och normbrytande beteende i förskolan? Vi har valt att göra intervjuer med förskollärare och barnskötare. Syftet med undersökningen är att fördjupa oss i normer och normbrytande beteende.

Brand equity in the industrial purchase decision : a case study of the Swedish market for agricultural machinery

High brand equity is a great asset for companies that operate their business in a free and competitive market. Brand equity can arise from both product-related and non-product related attributes and may be viewed from many different perspectives. This study examines which different attributes that contribute to enhance brand equity from customers point of view at the Swedish market for agricultural machinery. The study have been developed using a comprehensive literature search in order to investigate the field regarding brand equity and brand image. The literature review results in one product specific and one non-product specific approach in order to examine factors that contribute to enhanced brand equity. This takes the form as one survey-based approach regarding the non-product related attributes which is examined by interpreting the extra value added by different attributes.

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